客户应全权负责确保所购物品适合放置在所选房间或位置,并通过核实建筑物通道、电梯通道和所有门口尺寸,通过所有内部和外部入口点进行交付。从装卸区或停车场到交货区的外部通道必须畅通无阻,放置家具的内部(内部)区域也必须畅通无阻,以便放置家具。如果因无障碍设施导致交货失败,则不允许退款或换货。如果交货因任何原因失败,交货将重新安排到下一个交货时段,视供应情况而定。这是为了避免对当天计划的后续交货造成延误或中断。Commune 保留因任何不可预见的情况更改交货日期的权利。Commune 将尽我们所能,尽快通知您任何可能的延误或困难。 Commune 不对因任何延误、推迟、不完整或未完成的交付而产生的任何不便、损失、损害、费用或开支承担责任。
Delivery fee is waived for orders above unless explicitly stated by the Commune.
For orders under , a delivery fee is chargeable as seen below in Table 1. We do not provide delivery services on Sundays and Public Holidays.
Our delivery fee includes:
- processing of your order
- handling, packing of the products
- packing
- and delivery (including assembly of products) to a location of your choice within Singapore
For self-assembly, do follow AI (assembly instructions) provided, any errors in assembling or not following the AI will result in the warranty being revoked. Commune offers free installation for furniture upon request.
Additional fees will apply for deliveries with no lift access, as seen below:
Weekdays -
Weekends -
Non-lift accessible level - per item per storey/floor level
*ground level not included
As we deal with different suppliers, items may arrive at different times at our distribution points. As such, should you require your order to be sent separately, you will be charged a delivery fee for any additional deliveries.
任何送货重新安排都必须提前 3 个工作日完成,否则将收取重新安排费用。送货重新安排也取决于可用性。(请注意,在高峰期或售后活动期间送货时段有限。)
我们的内部送货将安排在不同时间段(例如,上午 9 点至中午 12 点,下午 1 点至下午 5:30),我们无法在特定或固定时间送货,例如上午 10 点或下午 3 点。分配给送货的时间段仅在预定日期前 2-3 天通知。
Commune 仅允许从销售点进行以下存储:
MTO(按订单生产)- 6 个月常规订单 - 3 个月
*促销 - 1 个月*
> - 商品价格的 5%
收到订单时,客户或指定方应在送货团队离开场所前检查物品和周围环境(家庭/送货地点)。如果有任何缺陷,请通知送货团队并在送货单上注明。或者,您也可以写信给 enquiries@thecommunelife.com ,附上简短的描述和照片。团队将在 3 个工作日内回复您。
如果无法进行交换,Commune 保留提供退款或替代品的权利。所有 1-1 交换将取决于物品的可用性/下一次可用的发货。
如果客户不遵守本条款,Commune 保留拒绝任何保修索赔的权利。请注意,一旦签署送货单,即视为订单已完好收到。